Mediator Services

Out-of- court settlement is a conciliation procedure focused on protection of rights and legal interests of legal entities and private persons by means of concluding agreements, which presume the conflicted parties will find the solutions for the issues voluntarily and on their own account without taking legal actions.

  • Neutral and impartial evaluation of the situation in settling disputable issues. Initiating of positive negotiations with the purpose to achieve the common ground;
  • Developing a strategy of conflict disengagement and elaboration of a number of mutually acceptable agreement conditions;
  • Assistance in written agreement conclusion.

Why it is Worth to Employ Mediator Services?
  • Full confidentiality is guaranteed. No conflict between two parties will become available to the public, because all discussions to be hold privately;

  • Минимальная цена и максимально быстрое решение проблемы. Попытка решить все своими силами только кажется более дешевым способом.

  • The lowest price with the fastest solution. It seems that unassisted work on the problem is cheaper than parties’ cooperation with a legal expert, but such cooperation will substantially save your time and allow drawing up faster solution;

  • Adherence to both parties’ interests. We find a compromise satisfying all parties and keeping their important business relations;

  • Full freedom of actions. We do not make any party embrace any decision. Our goal is to find acceptable conditions for both parties;

  • Security. Conflicts often lead to illegal methods, but mediator’s participation assures that the negotiations will be safe.